Muslim says that Islam is a religion of Peace. If it is so, then it is confusing why half of the Muslim Community throughout the world is engaged in conflict. Mumbai, Moscow, Delhi, London, Bangladesh or New York. What is the reason causing Muslims to kill Hundreds under the same cause ‘Islam’?
This can only be understood when we study Islam. Let us do this in short.
Introduction: - The Kalimah
‘La Ilaha illa’ llahu: Muhammadun Rasulu’ llah’
‘There is no god but Allah. Mohammed is his Prophet’
This is a recurring sentence in the daily Namaz. Muslims believe that prophet Muhammed received Allah’s divine mandates (Ayats) through angel Gabriel. These, compiled together in 114 Surahs(chapters containing Ayats) of in total 6239 Ayats , form the holy Quran.
Having studied the Quran, I understand that being a Muslim means compulsarily having faith in
1) Allah and no deity other than Allah
2) Allah’s Angel Gabriel.
3) Prophet Muhammed.
4) The Holy Quran.
5) The Final Day of Judgement.(Qayamat).
Muslims completely and wholly accept the above ‘truths’. Those who don’t are called as ‘Kafirs’, meaning ‘Infidels’ (Ref. Dictionary ofIslam: Ibn Kallikah, translated by Thomas Hughes. Pg # 259 ).
Whether to consider ‘Infidel’ as an abuse or not is a question of personal choice. Personally I am more concerned about the treatment an Infidel must receive, according to Quran in the following ayats
Surah no Ayat no Description from Kuran
49 15 True believers are those, who believe in Allah and Qayamat and fight against the unbelievers with all might and resources in the cause of Allah. (Jihad)
9 28 Idol-Worshipers and polytheists are filthy people.
9 44 A true believer never renders any excuse from fighting in the cause of Allah
47 4 When you encounter the unbelievers in war, cut their necks
8 39 You will continuously fight the unbelievers until no threat(fitnah) from them remains and there is only 1 religion, that of Allah
8 37 Allah will heap the unbelievers, one upon other, and cast them into the fire of hell
After going through the above it is pretty clear that in ‘Peace’ in Islam is meant for Muslims within the community. For Non-Muslims deserve to be converted or killed and cast into the fire of hell.
Islam does not recognize nationalism. It divides the whole earth into 2 parts:- Dar-ul-Islam- The land ruled by Islam & Dar-ul-Harb –The land not ruled by Islam and to Convert any Dar-ul-Harb to
Dar- ul-Islam is the primary duty of every Muslim. (Pakistan -Partition of India -Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, page. (294,304)
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